Chapter:1 Finding the Fury Cat?

In this chapter, we will learn about the meaning of important words with the help of images.
1. On - Under
2. Up - Down
3. Inside - Outside

1. On - Under

Source: Freepik

2. Up - Down

Up and Down
Source: Freepik

2. Inside - Outside

Source: Freepik

Exercise and its Solutions

Look at the picture of the poem "Find the Fury Cat?" and encircle the correct word:-

  1. The red ball is above/ under /on the bed.
ball is under

  2. The cat is inside/ outside / on the car.

on the car

  3. The man is lying under/ inside / on the tree.

man lying under the tree

  4. The cow is inside/ top of / outside the house.

Cow is outside

Let us play - Throw the ball!

Mark the things which are inside

a girl inside

Mark the things which are outside

A bear outside
a duck outside

Look at the picture and tick the correct words

on and under

Draw a smile below the nose and eyebrows above the eyes.


Look at our National Flag which is also known as Tiranga and answer the following questions.

How many colours are there?

Ans: There are three colours in our National Flag. The top band is of saffron colour. The middle band is of white colour and the last band is of green colour.


National Flag

Tick the correct option.

  1. Which colour is at the top of the Tiranga?  White/ Saffron / Green
Saffron colour

 2.  Which colour is below the white colour on the Tiranga? Pink/ Saffron/ Green

Green colour

 3.  Which colour is above the green colour on the Tiranga? White/ Saffron/ Yellow

Green colour

4. Where is the ashoka chakra on the Tiranga? White/ Saffron/ Yellow

ashoka chakra

See the picture of "CHUK CHUK GOES OUR TRAIN" and answer the following questions:



  1. How many bogies are there after the engine?

2. How many bogies are there before the red bogie?

3. Fill the orange colour in the bogies after the red bogie.

4. Fill the blue colour in the bogies before the red bogie.


Ans: There are five bogies after the engine.

Ans: There are two bogies before the red bogie.

Ans: Take an orange coloured pencil and paint the two bogies after the red bogie.

Ans: Take a blue coloured pencil and paint the two bogies after the red bogie.

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